
Creating a disciple-making community that brings heaven to earth

If you have a desire to disciple people, learn from a community that is pursuing this and gather some tools to accelerate the disciple-making DNA within your community… you’ve dropped in at the right place!

Where to start

  • It is probably best to read the Fishing for the Village book to get a better understanding of the heartbeat of our discipleship movement, but for some shortcuts, see below…
  • Go to the Contents bar and browse through the different topics where we have videos and article for you.
  • Get involved with webinars and/or contact us for more customised assistance.


A few years ago, the following questions started churning through our community of believers here in the Western Cape, South Africa: What did Jesus mean by “Go and make disciples…” during his last recorded conversation on earth? What is the significance of those words and are we really making disciples?

As our community wrestled with these questions, we experienced momentous life change. Similar themes and principles were affirmed during conversations, both within the group and with others. This website (and book) is a collection of these themes. Our discipleship community has discovered treasures we wished we knew long ago — glimpses of heaven in our community, and echoes of heaven impacting the world.

The title “Fishing for the Village” is a phrase we use within our discipleship community which we borrowed from a Fijian friend of ours. In short, when we fish (do something), we fish for the village (for the benefit of the entire community). With this mindset, our community has experienced a taste of heaven on earth. The title also refers to discipling (fishing). Our hope is that communities will impact the world by fishing villages.

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